The Photography Elf: Filming on crane
The Photography Elf: On location for Rage, film trailer shoot
The Photography Elf: Vlad, director of photography, talking with his hands again.
The Photography Elf: Ian Starglow & bodyguard
The Photography Elf: Friends with our cameras
The Photography Elf: Ana Maria on set
The Photography Elf: Drowning scene - BTS
The Photography Elf: Drowning scene - BTS
The Photography Elf: Andy McPhee & Kendal Rae on set
The Photography Elf: Patrick's sound gear case
The Photography Elf: Filming gear in van
The Photography Elf: Cast in between takes
The Photography Elf: Catelyn getting wardrobe from Natty
The Photography Elf: Communication
The Photography Elf: Crew on set of Rage film trailer shoot
The Photography Elf: Katrina Chapman, MUA
The Photography Elf: Kendal and Mia
The Photography Elf: Mia getting make-up done
The Photography Elf: Natty, wardrobe stylist
The Photography Elf: Panta, Ana and Mia on set
The Photography Elf: Wardrobe room at Parkside Resort
The Photography Elf: What Does the Fox Say - Music Video
The Photography Elf: Rage Film Trailer
The Photography Elf: Rage trailer screening party
The Photography Elf: BTS - The Shadows of Hope
The Photography Elf: BTS - The Shadows of Hope
The Photography Elf: BTS - The Shadows of Hope
The Photography Elf: BTS - The Shadows of Hope