The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Keri Scarr VS Sarah McLeod
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Dan MacIver VS Mike Hackert
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Dan MacIver VS Mike Hackert
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - fellow photogs/media
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes wins the championship belt
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes VS Nick Hinchcliffe
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes VS Nick Hinchcliffe
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes VS Nick Hinchcliffe
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes VS Nick Hinchcliffe
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes VS Nick Hinchcliffe
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes VS Nick Hinchcliffe
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes VS Nick Hinchcliffe
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes VS Nick Hinchcliffe
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes VS Nick Hinchcliffe
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Nick Hinchcliffe
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Kalib Starnes
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Downey(gatekeeper) & Frank Mir
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Robert Drysdale VS Bas Huveneers
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Robert Drysdale VS Bas Huveneers
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Robert Drysdale VS Bas Huveneers
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Robert Drysdale
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Bas Huveneers
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - 50/50 draw
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Baz Cunningham
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Baz Cunningham - a true sportsman
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Baz Cunningham - defeated
The Photography Elf: AFC3 - Nick Driedger VS Baz Cunningham