scott cromwell: The Singing Bears Of Katmai
*LeDams*: Shadows...
Dusty Pixel: Coyote Moon
aravis121: Foggy Road
schieflicht: can't take the sky from me
Tom Lowe @ Timescapes: Blazing Bristlecone
[ Kane ]: Crop Circles
5y12u3k: Argos
javiruiz: Tenía el otoño encima (Explore #84 12-Nov-2010)
pixelmama: A silent witness of everything that passes by ... and a place to just sit and watch as everything unfolds around you
kimiris: Lindsey
Mr. dale: Autumn Spectrum 10/10/10
Allison S. George: I Like to "Shoot" my Moose this way...
Allison S. George: Elliot Peak
swissrolli: ring a ring a roses
jogorman: Greenhouse on another planet
Philipp Klinger Photography: Inside Outside (aka 9)
willstotler: Leica M8 Underwater Test - The Dive
stella-mia: Bjørk
Giancarlo Rado: un giorno lungo un anno
Hadi Nikkhah: madame pepperpote خاله ریزه
piker77: Saint Isaac's Cathedral, St. Petersburg