Adriana Glackin: You'll be as good as new Mrs Jones, once you start your medication.
Adriana Glackin: Take a seat Mr Jones, the dentist will be with you in a moment...
Adriana Glackin: Relax, Mrs Jones. Women give birth in this manner every day.
Adriana Glackin: The strap is purely for your protection, Mr Jones
Adriana Glackin: Wellington NZ
Adriana Glackin: We're waiting to see just what this is all about....
Adriana Glackin: Is there anything more perfect for breakfast than French toast, banana, bacon and maple syrup?
Adriana Glackin: Wellington, NZ
Adriana Glackin: Food Glorious Food I
Adriana Glackin: Food Glorious Food II
Adriana Glackin: Food Glorious Food III
Adriana Glackin: Food Glorious Food IV