Virginia Sea Grant: Fellows and mentors get ready to race the "plankton" they built. ©Chris Patrick/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Fellows and mentors race the "plankton" they created. ©Chris Patrick/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Graduate Research Fellow MJ Rice (right) discusses her project with outreach mentor Lori Blanc from Virginia Tech. ©Chris Patrick/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Virginia Sea Grant Project Coordinator Abigail Hils peers through an aquarium of "plankton" designed by the fellows and their mentors. ©Chris Patrick/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Graduate Research Fellow Bethany Williams (right) talks about her project with Virginia Institute of Marine Science Educator Lisa Lawrence. ©Chris Patrick/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Michelle Covi, Virginia Sea Grant extension agent at Old Dominion University, tells 2016 graduate research fellows and their mentors how she shares sea level rise information with the public. ©Chris Patrick/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Graduate Research Fellow Nadya Mamoozadeh talks to her outreach mentor Ken Neill, International Representative of International Game Fish Association. ©Chris Patrick/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Virginia Sea Grant Director Troy Hartley chats with some of the new graduate research fellows. ©Chris Patrick/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Graduate Research Fellow Lauren Huey chats with her outreach mentor Caroline Wicks Donovan of the Integration & Application Network of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. ©Chris Patrick/VASG