Virginia Sea Grant: VA CZM Manager Laura McKay discusses her organization's 5-year strategy to address the problem of disappearing working waterfronts. ©Joy Staley/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: More than 140 people from VA's coastal counties attended the Working Waterfronts Workshop at the VIMS campus. ©Joy Staley/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Attendees network during one of the breaks during the Working Waterfronts Workshop. ©Joy Staley/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: The local working waterfronts effort is tied to a national movement of those interested in sharing policy tools and ideas for preserving waterfront businesses. ©Joy Staley/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: An attendee looks at the Nofolk City Coastal County Snapshot, an summary of coastal jobs and incomes provided by NOAA Coastal Services Center. ©Joy Staley/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: President of the Watermen's Association Ken Smith discusses issues watermen face with disappearing waterfronts. ©Janet Krenn/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Attendees network during one of the breaks during the Working Waterfronts Workshop. ©Joy Staley/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Attendees network during one of the breaks during the Working Waterfronts Workshop. ©Joy Staley/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Audience members offer feedback and concerns during discussion periods. ©Joy Staley/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: VA Marine Trade Association representative Don McCann discusses planning and training needs for VA's marine workers. ©Janet Krenn/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Audience members offer feedback and concerns during discussion periods. ©Joy Staley/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Paula Jasinski of Chesapeake Environmental Communications presents a new training program that helps watermen diversify by leading ecotours. ©Janet Krenn/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Audience members offer feedback and concerns during discussion periods. ©Joy Staley/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: University of Virginia's Tanya Denckla Cobb facilitates discussion on issues and solutions for VA's working waterfronts. ©Joy Staley/VASG