Virginia Sea Grant: Prof. Richard Zimmerman, VASG Fellow Billur Celebi (center), and Researcher Victoria Hill work to remove algae from seagrass. ©Stephanie Chavez/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: The multi-tank set-up was built just for this ODU research team on the grounds of the Virginia Aquarium in Virginia Beach. ©Stephanie Chavez/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: When free of algae, the seagrass is bright green. ©Stephanie Chavez/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: Without natural predators to eat algae that grows on seagrass and blocks out light, researchers have to clean it off by hand. ©Stephanie Chavez/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant: ODU Professor Richard Zimmerman talks to Summer Communications Intern Erika Lower about how his lab's seagrass experiments. ©Stephanie Chavez/VASG