Virginia Sea Grant:
The Christopher Newport University research team straps on gear and unloads their Jeep in the Virginia Zoo parking lot. ©Kathryn Greves/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Lauren Davis brings in minnow traps filled with mummichog at the living shoreline along Lafayette River at the Virginia Zoo. ©Janet Krenn/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
One half of a minnow trap used to capture mummichog. ©Janet Krenn/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Jessica Thompson brings in minnow traps filled with mummichog. ©Kathryn Greves/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Captured mummichog are transferred into buckets with colored ribbons to indicate which part of the living shoreline the fish were caught. ©Kathryn Greves/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Thomas Wasner and Lauren Davis sort through buckets of mummichog looking ones with tags. ©Kathryn Greves/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Alex Blaney records data as her professor, Jessica Thompson, sorts fish. ©Kathryn Greves/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Jessica Thompson reads the small orange tag on the underside of a mummichog. ©Janet Krenn/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Little orange tags embedded under the fish belly skin allow the research team to monitor fish movement and growth. ©Kathryn Greves/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Thomas Wasner returns buckets of mummichog back to the Lafayette River. ©Janet Krenn/VASG