Virginia Sea Grant:
Hermatige Technical Center students prepare clam chowder for lunch. ©Kim Warner/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Hermatige Technical Center students prepare lunch. ©Kim Warner/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Hermatige Technical Center students prepare clam chowder for lunch. ©Kim Warner/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Preparing for the cook off. ©Kim Warner/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Tony Nalovic (right) poses with chefs in front of a device that helps reduce turtle bycatch in the shrimp fishery. ©Kim Warner/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Student chefs at the 2011 Chef Seafood Symposium. ©Kim Warner/VIMS
Virginia Sea Grant:
Chef Brent Wertz (back) and sous chef prepare seafood during a cooking demonstration at the 2011 Chef Seafood Symposium. ©Kim Warner/VASG
Virginia Sea Grant:
Chefs add some cheese during the cooking demonstration at the 2011 Chef Seafood Symposium. ©Kim Warner/VASG