VirGeenya: Ben and Andy on the Beach
VirGeenya: Close-up shore water
VirGeenya: I'm a ghost
VirGeenya: Me drowning Ben
VirGeenya: Here comes a wave!
VirGeenya: Isabel and her popsicle
VirGeenya: Samson made a Dora Puzzle
VirGeenya: Ben and Samson both wore their Spain shirts!
VirGeenya: Samsiee is the king of sunscreen
VirGeenya: Issy wandering through the kitchen
VirGeenya: Samson fell asleep under the fold-out bed
VirGeenya: Andy and his cheeseburger tits
VirGeenya: Alice's Grandkids
VirGeenya: Andy
VirGeenya: Nat and Geenya
VirGeenya: Andy and Samson running in
VirGeenya: I'm the underwater reporter
VirGeenya: Seaching for waves?
VirGeenya: Cute Cousinzzzz
VirGeenya: Lisa, Isabel and Mommie
VirGeenya: I drove past the Rehoboth Mall....
VirGeenya: Family ouside of Crab Restaurant
VirGeenya: Andy left a message for the waitress
VirGeenya: Natalie Batalie tanning
VirGeenya: Geenyyaa tanning
VirGeenya: VA and Andy are Ben and Jerry
VirGeenya: I can see myself in Andy's new glasses!
VirGeenya: Ben, Virginia, Andy