Vipul Ramanuj: Through a veil of grass... | Gir
Vipul Ramanuj: Chinkara | Gir National Park
Vipul Ramanuj: High Key Grebe Abstract | Ahmedabad
Vipul Ramanuj: Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava | Ahmedabad
Vipul Ramanuj: Asiatic Wild Ass Scape | Equus hemionus khur |Little Rann of Kutch
Vipul Ramanuj: Striped Hyena | Hyaena hyaena | Velavadar
Vipul Ramanuj: Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus | Ahmedabad
Vipul Ramanuj: Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus cadilus | Little Rann of Kutch
Vipul Ramanuj: Osprey | Pandion haliaetus
Vipul Ramanuj: Osprey | Pandion haliaetus
Vipul Ramanuj: In King's Realm | Ophiophagus hannah | Agumbe
Vipul Ramanuj: Rush Hour! | Agumbe
Vipul Ramanuj: Scape | Goa
Vipul Ramanuj: Scape | Goa