violinsoldier: View of Salzburg, Austria .....
violinsoldier: Mozart's cradle stood here. The Fire Extinguisher is a recent addition, however. (I think...)
violinsoldier: Creepy doll in Mozart's birth-house in Salzburg, Austria (in the room where his cradle stood.)
violinsoldier: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Birthhouse in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: Requisite picture of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Birthhouse in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: View of the Hauptbahnhof in Salzburg, Austria
violinsoldier: Ivory (Elfenbein) stein seen in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: Marionettes used in the Oscar-winning film Amadeus, housed in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: Konstanze (Weber) Mozart lived here with her 2nd husband.
violinsoldier: Big painted signature of Wolfgang Amade Mozart on wall of Geburtshaus in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: View of Mozart's Geburtshaus entrance in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: One of the Roman Catholic Bishops guarding the cathedral in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: A view of Salzburg, Austria, from the Salzach River.
violinsoldier: A view through a passageway to Mozart's Geburtshaus (Birth House) in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: Rainy, snowy April day - in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: Echte Salzburger Mozart Kugeln - "Real Salzburg Mozart Balls"
violinsoldier: Baptismal font - from the Roman Catholic Salzburg Cathedral (the Dom)
violinsoldier: Mozart's Birthplace, Salzburg, on a rainy/snowy day in April.
violinsoldier: Roman Catholic bishop's mitre and crozier, on a wall, Salzburg, dated 1502.
violinsoldier: Torture chair - Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: Various torture masks and devices in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: Nazi medals on display in Salzburg, Austria.
violinsoldier: Anonymous kids play with a marionette in Salzburg, Austria.