vintageillu: Amazing Detective Cases 1942 02
vintageillu: Dime Detective 1950 11
vintageillu: Dime Detective Magazine 1950 02
vintageillu: Dime Detective Magazine 1950 04
vintageillu: Drawn to Evil
vintageillu: Fantastic Novels 1950 09
vintageillu: Inside Detective 1937 09
vintageillu: Nightshade
vintageillu: Pocket Detective 1937 09
vintageillu: Saucy Movie Tales 1936 09
vintageillu: Saucy Movie Tales 1936 12
vintageillu: Saucy Stories 1936 03
vintageillu: Sex A GoGo
vintageillu: The Grinning Gismo
vintageillu: The Scarlet Spade
vintageillu: Thrilling Detective 1937 10
vintageillu: Too Hot for Hell