vintagedept: London Web Standards #LWSPROGID - Online Identity talk notes
vintagedept: The Art of Custom UI Controls (AppsWorld London Notes)
vintagedept: Detail: the bit that is always left out (AppsWorld London Notes)
vintagedept: Panel on App Promotion and User Retention (AppsWorld London Notes)
vintagedept: How UI & UX can make or break your app (AppsWorld London Notes)
vintagedept: Apps for the Connected Car (AppsWorld London Notes)
vintagedept: Panel: The Internet of Things Revolution - Functional, Usable, Wearable (AppsWorld London Notes)
vintagedept: Steve Wozniak on Creativity and Innovation in the App Landscape (AppsWorld London Notes)
vintagedept: The Services of Things - Unleash the potential of connected life apps (AppsWorld London Notes)