vintage ladies: Jim and Sally aged 9, Lebong, Darjeeling Hills, India
vintage ladies: Lady sitting in the garden with a dog
vintage ladies: Group on a boat
vintage ladies: Smiling ship's personel
vintage ladies: Smiling woman on board
vintage ladies: Proud grandparents
vintage ladies: Bill behind the bar at Stonedyke April 1951
vintage ladies: Bill behind the bar at Stonedyke April 1951
vintage ladies: Joan behind her bar April 1951 Stonedyke
vintage ladies: Sharp looking men in the garden
vintage ladies: Bride and groom
vintage ladies: Algiers 1943
vintage ladies: Couple in the garden
vintage ladies: Smart woman in the garden
vintage ladies: Lovely smiling couple
vintage ladies: Joan smoking on a bar stall, Stonedyke April 1951
vintage ladies: Did they miss a whale?
vintage ladies: Lady smiling on a boat
vintage ladies: Ladies playing on deck
vintage ladies: Bride and groom leaving the church
vintage ladies: cleaning in the back yard
vintage ladies: Ghostly woman
vintage ladies: Father and son ? Wellington Studio Blackpool 1952
vintage ladies: Fancy dress
vintage ladies: The Mob Blackpool 1935
vintage ladies: Smiling couple by a door
vintage ladies: A young smiling couple Andy and ? Jackson
vintage ladies: Men with a dog
vintage ladies: At the rifle range
vintage ladies: Sitting on a wall by a lake