vinnie7: konnichiwa!
vinnie7: ok Tokyo I'm going to finally sleep before I get to know you
vinnie7: delicious coffee here mmm
vinnie7: lil apple juice
vinnie7: mmmm pastries
vinnie7: fishfishfishfishfish
vinnie7: more tsukiji
vinnie7: Iwasa sushi near the market
vinnie7: first in Japan and best sushi I've ever had. simple, fresh, beautiful rice and warm welcome people. Iwasa sushi.
vinnie7: so many fantastic alleyway markets in tsukiji chuo district
vinnie7: random one from earlier at fish market. dude all packed up to take all his seafood to restaurant.
vinnie7: ramen #1. pretty good, so so. hit the spot tho.
vinnie7: ohayou!
vinnie7: banana cream tower 😳
vinnie7: Shinkansen! (bullet train heading to Kyoto)
vinnie7: window seat
vinnie7: train bento extreme 👍
vinnie7: holy sundaes
vinnie7: rows of food market shopping
vinnie7: like a kid in a candy store
vinnie7: canal stroll
vinnie7: where the geishas hide. I did see one or two but I felt like I shouldn't take their photo. they were beautiful though.
vinnie7: buzzzzzzzz
vinnie7: color 😍 #nofilter
vinnie7: countryside
vinnie7: lean in
vinnie7: sly fox will cut you. actually I think it's a key.
vinnie7: ⛩⛩⛩⛩⛩⛩⛩
vinnie7: I wish I knew what this says but assuming it's Buddhist text. peekaboo @fightingsquid
vinnie7: it was truly beautiful here even with all the tourists. except that it was a million degrees with a million % humidity.