Vineus: Stevens Institute of Technology
Vineus: A view from Stevens Institute of Technology campus
Vineus: A street of Hoboken
Vineus: One of the Stevens lounge
Vineus: Mailboxes
Vineus: Fear no fish, hug me !
Vineus: Grey Goose
Vineus: Stevens under the snow
Vineus: A street of Hoboken part 2
Vineus: Boats in the ice storm
Vineus: Hoboken's St Patrick Parade
Vineus: Luxury bird condos in Hoboken
Vineus: Water, buildings
Vineus: Hotel Victoria
Vineus: American flag
Vineus: STOP ! Ice creams ...
Vineus: Concrete city, flotting city
Vineus: Here comes the spring
Vineus: Here comes the spring again
Vineus: Tree on a wall
Vineus: Competitors
Vineus: Inside the Scotland Yard
Vineus: Manatthan & Jersey City Lights
Vineus: My dorm wall before departure
Vineus: Strange shads on purple
Vineus: Shoes