vindeluca: The Sentinal - MISC0002
vindeluca: Vin hiking up to Druid Stones - MISC0009
vindeluca: Bishop, CA - MISC0014
vindeluca: Corinne at the Happy Boulders - MISC0072
vindeluca: Yawn - MISC0077
vindeluca: Clouds at the Happy Boulders - MISC0078
vindeluca: Dave and Steve face off - MISC0089
vindeluca: Vin and the 70s artwork in the motel - MISC0103
vindeluca: Kat_Vin at the motel
vindeluca: Vin and Kat in the motel - MISC0127
vindeluca: Corinne - MISC0141
vindeluca: Steve's reflection in the '70s art - MISC0142
vindeluca: Vin sending unknown problem - MISC0151
vindeluca: Kat naps in Bishop
vindeluca: The Kiss