vindeluca: Fractal Planet - 20130901-DSC_7601
vindeluca: Vin's first Burn at BM 2013
vindeluca: Contact Fire Staff - IMG_0402
vindeluca: f0Cu5
vindeluca: Vin Burns at Lost Rocks, Humboldt
vindeluca: dance of the dragons
vindeluca: Vin & Solenne at the Fire Expo
vindeluca: the kiss of fire
vindeluca: sunrise_salute
vindeluca: Stephen the Barbarian
vindeluca: Kat's Shoe
vindeluca: Hungry Koi
vindeluca: "Mad Dog" Madigan cranks down - IMG_0269
vindeluca: Abandoned Car at "The Sads" - IMG_0317
vindeluca: Mark the Driver - IMG_0384
vindeluca: Mark works "Ten Ten" - IMG_0461
vindeluca: Getting to the Boulders - IMG_0501
vindeluca: Mark Sends "Fern Roof" - IMG_0519
vindeluca: Ethan sends "Daily Planet" - IMG_0805
vindeluca: Back at the Ranch - IMG_0936
vindeluca: Flying to Cape Town - IMG_1702
vindeluca: Silas in the Bakkie - IMG_1736
vindeluca: Men at Work - IMG_1752
vindeluca: Real live Penguin in Cape Town - IMG_1796
vindeluca: Penguins in Cape Town - IMG_1798
vindeluca: Mark at Cape Point - IMG_1852
vindeluca: Mark and his Cheerleaders - IMG_1875
vindeluca: Dragon Humping a Camel? - IMG_1909
vindeluca: Self-Portrait - IMG_1984
vindeluca: Vin's Shadow - IMG_1991