vindeluca: Nick prepares to miss - DSC_0004
vindeluca: Vin misses again - DSC_0008
vindeluca: Neil lines up a putt - DSC_0011
vindeluca: Nick misses another putt - DSC_0013
vindeluca: Nick, Justin, and their clubs - DSC_0016
vindeluca: Golfing in Cape Town - DSC_0018
vindeluca: Play where it falls - Vin has to get his ball from the water trap - DSC_0025
vindeluca: Preparing to get his golf ball from the water trap - DSC_0048
vindeluca: A bet is a bet - DSC_0051
vindeluca: A bet is a bet - Looking for the ball - DSC_0058
vindeluca: Looking for the ball - DSC_0059
vindeluca: Not finding the ball - DSC_0060
vindeluca: Not finding the ball - DSC_0061
vindeluca: Nick finishes a day of Golf - DSC_0069
vindeluca: Deon on top of the boulder - DSC_0074
vindeluca: Deon on top of the boulder - DSC_0075
vindeluca: Welcome to Rocklands - DSC_0077
vindeluca: Rocklands - DSC_0083
vindeluca: Sunset in Rocklands - DSC_0085
vindeluca: A Dragon humping a Camel? - DSC_0087
vindeluca: Justin quits drinking? - DSC_0105
vindeluca: Justin quits drinking? - DSC_0113
vindeluca: Justin quits drinking? - DSC_0119
vindeluca: Vin looks on - DSC_0157
vindeluca: Vin looks on - DSC_0158
vindeluca: Pete climbing - DSC_0177
vindeluca: Pete climbing - DSC_0179
vindeluca: Kyle is unimpressed - DSC_0215
vindeluca: The "Vice" Spider w/ Vin's hand for size comparison - DSC_0218
vindeluca: The "Vice" Spider emerges from the handhold - DSC_0227