vindeluca: He's even got a helmet. Awesome. - IMG_4112
vindeluca: Speeding Wheelchair - IMG_3928
vindeluca: Coolest Sign Ever - IMG_3803
vindeluca: Lookout is this way - IMG_3789
vindeluca: We didn't see any of this stuff - IMG_3628
vindeluca: Bear juggling an arbitrary number of balls in a very improbable pattern - IMG_3599
vindeluca: The poster at the RV camp - IMG_3203
vindeluca: Danger - IMG_3194
vindeluca: The Bat Cave is that way - IMG_3129
vindeluca: The Bat Cave is that way - IMG_3128
vindeluca: no sliding down the escalator on your butt - 0162
vindeluca: no jumping out of the cable car - 0155
vindeluca: Look Right - 0150
vindeluca: Be careful when pouring oil out of your hand - 0076
vindeluca: Get Hit By a Car Sign - Hong Kong
vindeluca: IMG 0482
vindeluca: Drink and Die - IMG_4144
vindeluca: This stick figure is having a bad day - IMG_4303
vindeluca: Slow like a Turtle, Fast like a Hare - IMG_4305
vindeluca: High Voltage - IMG_4313
vindeluca: Stop, Hammertime - IMG_4394
vindeluca: Stick figure gets nailed in Newtown, Australia - IMG_4371
vindeluca: Distances to Everywhere - IMG_7905
vindeluca: Old Sign in the Desert - JOSHUA49
vindeluca: Don't step on Flowers - IMG_5304
vindeluca: Poor Man's Parasol - IMG_5302
vindeluca: Provincetown sign in Bishop, CA - IMG_5555
vindeluca: No Giant Car-sized Cigarettes - IMG_5550
vindeluca: How many things can you find wrong with this sign? - PIC-0026
vindeluca: Grammatically incorrect sign - PIC-0024