Vin Crosbie: Mike Kelley starting the first pitch of Hemlock Groove
Vin Crosbie: Stepping Gingerly on the Arete Cosmique
Vin Crosbie: 12,000 feet above Courmayeur, Italy
Vin Crosbie: The 10,000-Foot Sheer Drop
Vin Crosbie: Victoria and Francis traversing the Mer de Glace
Vin Crosbie: Hurricane Force Winds the Day Before...
Vin Crosbie: All Three Climbing Teams on the Summit Ridge
Vin Crosbie: Our One-Day Climb of 18,491-foot Citlaltépētl made Men's Fitness Magazine
Vin Crosbie: Acclimatizing to Altitude
Vin Crosbie: The Baguette: Essential Climbing Equipment
Vin Crosbie: In the Italian Mountaineering Club's Refugio Torino on Monte Bianco (Mont Blanc)
Vin Crosbie: Paul Peters Belaying Mike Kelley on Whitehorse Ledge
Vin Crosbie: Summit of the Schwangunk Cliffs
Vin Crosbie: 'They Died Laughing'
Vin Crosbie: High on the Arête des Cosmiques
Vin Crosbie: Clouds Obscure the Drop Down the Aiguille du Midi's North Face
Vin Crosbie: A Climber Follows Me on the arête Between the Aiguille du Midi and the Mer de Glace, Mont Blanc Massiff.
Vin Crosbie: Climbers' Trail to the Refuge des Grands Mulets
Vin Crosbie: Dent du Géant
Vin Crosbie: Victoria, Francis, and Mike at the Italian Alpine Club's Rifugio Tornino
Vin Crosbie: Lenticular Cloud over Mont Blanc
Vin Crosbie: Self-Portrait
Vin Crosbie: Starting Up the Aiguille du Midi
Vin Crosbie: Rush Hour on the Mer de Glace
Vin Crosbie: With Mike Kelley and Guy Wilkinson on the Dent d'Oche
Vin Crosbie: Gibraltar Rock, Mount Rainier
Vin Crosbie: Cathedral Rocks, Mount Rainier
Vin Crosbie: -30F (-34C)
Vin Crosbie: Descending Mount Shasta
Vin Crosbie: Arête Aiguille du Midi