In Vinnie Veritas: Horror Vacui by Bisser
In Vinnie Veritas: Jeugdhuis SOJO
In Vinnie Veritas: Waiting for someone...
In Vinnie Veritas: The girl with a suitcase
In Vinnie Veritas: Got Cheese?
In Vinnie Veritas: Sas by Gijs Vanhee
In Vinnie Veritas: Blue and pink cat by Bisser
In Vinnie Veritas: Freedom dove by DZIA
In Vinnie Veritas: Waiting on a friend by BISSER
In Vinnie Veritas: Enter at your own risk by DinDin
In Vinnie Veritas: A tale of two foxes by DZIA
In Vinnie Veritas: Per Aspera Ad Astra - The Nova school
In Vinnie Veritas: Mr Long nose at the skatepark
In Vinnie Veritas: LuKlimop by Bisser
In Vinnie Veritas: A Woman like the color purple, just wants to be loved
In Vinnie Veritas: A tale of two foxes by DZIA
In Vinnie Veritas: A tale of two foxes by DZIA
In Vinnie Veritas: Bird by Bisser
In Vinnie Veritas: THe red line by 5AO
In Vinnie Veritas: Per Aspera Ad Astra - The Nova school
In Vinnie Veritas: Per Aspera Ad Astra - The Nova school
In Vinnie Veritas: Per Aspera Ad Astra - The Nova school
In Vinnie Veritas: Mr Peacock
In Vinnie Veritas: Uknown Artist
In Vinnie Veritas: Jenny the bee by Bisser
In Vinnie Veritas: Located: Along the Brugbergpad, 3010 Leuven
In Vinnie Veritas: Creatue by Bisser
In Vinnie Veritas: Omni Pass De Lijn holder