Vince Belford: Trinity United Church
Vince Belford: Farm House 5 _edit 1
Vince Belford: Clutter
Vince Belford: Barn Ferguson
Vince Belford: Cottage 1
Vince Belford: Morning Tea
Vince Belford: Red White Blue
Vince Belford: Wes on iPhone
Vince Belford: Flowers
Vince Belford: Jasmine Raw - JPEG
Vince Belford: DSCF0008Garlic 2
Vince Belford: 170627Horse
Vince Belford: 170901_Jasmine 1_001
Vince Belford: 170903_Martin_001
Vince Belford: First Snow Dec. 17
Vince Belford: Snowy Windshild
Vince Belford: Stove 2 (1 of 1)
Vince Belford: Farm Pan (1 of 1)
Vince Belford: Trinity UM (1 of 1)
Vince Belford: Red School House 2 (1 of 1)
Vince Belford: Winter Scene (1 of 1)
Vince Belford: Doe a Deer (1 of 1)
Vince Belford: Across the Road (1 of 1)
Vince Belford: Big Blue
Vince Belford: Charlie and Friend
Vince Belford: Charlie
Vince Belford: Victoria and Friend