Vincent L°:
Calocera viscosa - calocère visqueuse
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Leotia lubrica - Léotie lubrique
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Mains levées au ciel
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Small landscape : My garden of Eden
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Sarcoscypha coccinea - Pézize écarlate
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Auriscalpium vulgare - Hydne cure-oreille
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Phallus impudicus - Satyre puant
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L’équilibriste précaire
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We are numbers !
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Ghost fungus
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Arcyria sp.
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Climbing !
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Les dessous de l’amanite
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Cantharellus cibarius - Girolle
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Calocera viscosa - Calocère visqueuse
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Galerina pumila
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Crying mushroom and a slug - Champignon malheureux et limace
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Marasmiellus candidus - Marasme blanc
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Ceci n’est pas une pâquerette...
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Mycena corticolla
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Mycena seynii - Mycène des cônes de pins, Mycène de De Seynes
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Cantharellus cibarerius - Girolle
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Cohabitation pacifique
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Cyathus striatus - Cyathe strié
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Cyathus striatus - Cyathe strié
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Rickenella fibula - Omphale bibelot, omphale en aiguille
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Les bleus
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Le labyrinthe
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Crepidotus sp.
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Stalactites fongiques