Vincent's Album: KeeLong Harbor
Vincent's Album: Ticket of MV Doulos
Vincent's Album: Welcome Board to MV Doulos
Vincent's Album: Hole rack of Bible...
Vincent's Album: People moutain people sea...
Vincent's Album: Local books
Vincent's Album: Bible with leather case
Vincent's Album: Bible with denim case
Vincent's Album: They also recive credit card!
Vincent's Album: 仰望忠僕號艦橋
Vincent's Album: IMGP2650
Vincent's Album: IMGP2651
Vincent's Album: IMGP2652
Vincent's Album: 終於離開這個人塞人的所在
Vincent's Album: 被醜死人的工程圍籬圍起的忠僕號
Vincent's Album: IMGP2663
Vincent's Album: 寶寶乖~快快睡~
Vincent's Album: 這個角度蠻 cute 的
Vincent's Album: 下公車爬好漢坡
Vincent's Album: 一群疲憊的上班族
Vincent's Album: 九份山景
Vincent's Album: 塞車
Vincent's Album: 天空之城
Vincent's Album: IMGP2681
Vincent's Album: IMGP2683
Vincent's Album: IMGP2684
Vincent's Album: IMGP2685
Vincent's Album: 午餐大合照
Vincent's Album: 很可怕的店
Vincent's Album: IMGP2691