Morris Chiang: 下雨天
Morris Chiang: 雨天的風景
Morris Chiang: My daughter in yellow
Morris Chiang: 哥哥妹妹系列
Morris Chiang: 哥哥妹妹系列
Morris Chiang: 哥哥妹妹系列
Morris Chiang: 哥哥妹妹系列
Morris Chiang: A football girl
Morris Chiang: A football girl
Morris Chiang: A football girl
Morris Chiang: A football girl
Morris Chiang: A girl with a football
Morris Chiang: A girl with a football
Morris Chiang: my small soccer
Morris Chiang: my small soccer
Morris Chiang: Vincent and his football
Morris Chiang: Vincent and his football
Morris Chiang: brother and sister
Morris Chiang: brother and sister
Morris Chiang: smiling boy
Morris Chiang: smiling boy
Morris Chiang: camera boy
Morris Chiang: Camera boy
Morris Chiang: 喂!手不要抖~
Morris Chiang: 我要炸囉!
Morris Chiang: 我拿仙女棒會不會太娘
Morris Chiang: 觸電時刻(誤)