Vince Capp: Citheronia regalis- Regal (or Royal) Moth, Griggstown Grasslands Preserve
Vince Capp: "Hickory Horned Devil" (Royal Moth)
Vince Capp: "Hickory Horned Devil" (Royal Moth)
Vince Capp: Large Milkweed Bug (nymphs)
Vince Capp: Blue Dasher (male)- Colonial Park
Vince Capp: Eastern Pondhawk (female)
Vince Capp: Eastern Pondhawk Pair- Cold Brook Preserve, Tewksbury, NJ
Vince Capp: Red-legged Grasshopper
Vince Capp: Common Green Darner
Vince Capp: Ebony Jewelwing, Glenhurst Meadows
Vince Capp: Eastern Amberwing (immature female?)- Chimney Rock Reservoir
Vince Capp: Violet Dancer, Six Mile Run
Vince Capp: Dogday Harvestflies- Griggstown
Vince Capp: Afterglow
Vince Capp: Red-legged Grasshopper, Griggstown
Vince Capp: Beauty: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail........ Griggstown Grasslands Preserve
Vince Capp: ...And the Beast: Elegant Crab Spider and Fishfly
Vince Capp: Elegant Crab Spider and Fishfly
Vince Capp: Wheel Bug
Vince Capp: Wheel Bug
Vince Capp: Gladiator Katydid
Vince Capp: Meadowhawk, {probably Ruby}- Scherman-Hoffman
Vince Capp: Painted Skimmer, Scherman-Hoffman
Vince Capp: Red-footed Robber Fly pair, Griggstown Grassland Preserve
Vince Capp: Red-footed Robber Fly, Griggstown Grassland Preserve
Vince Capp: Gold-backed Snipe Fly
Vince Capp: Orchard Orb Weaver, Six Mile Run
Vince Capp: Pine Tree Spur-throat Grasshopper
Vince Capp: Red-legged Grasshopper
Vince Capp: Crab Spider on Chicory, South Branch WMA