Vince Capp:
The Look Of Fear, Griggstown Grassland Preserve
Vince Capp:
Gray Catbird, Griggstown Grassland Preserve
Vince Capp:
Tree Swallow, Hoffman Park- 5/12/2012
Vince Capp:
Northern Rough-Winged Swallow, Coopalong Creek WMA Pittstown, NJ- 4/17/2012
Vince Capp:
Willow Flycatcher, South Branch WMA
Vince Capp:
Gray Catbird, Glenhurst Meadows
Vince Capp:
Gray Catbird, Chimney Rock Hawk Watch
Vince Capp:
Eastern Kingbird, Chimney Rock Reservoir 5-14-11
Vince Capp:
Gray Catbird juvenile, South Branch WMA
Vince Capp:
Mockingbird, Glenhurst Meadows
Vince Capp:
Mockingbird, Glenhurst Meadows
Vince Capp:
Eastern Phoebe, Glenhurst Meadows
Vince Capp:
Ticklish Eastern Phoebe, Lord Stirling Park
Vince Capp:
Eastern Phoebe, Lord Stirling Park
Vince Capp:
Eastern Phoebe, Lord Stirling Park
Vince Capp:
Eastern Kingbird, Washington Valley Park- Martinsville, NJ
Vince Capp:
Barn Swallows, Griggstown Grassland Preserve
Vince Capp:
Barn Swallow, Griggstown Grassland Preserve
Vince Capp:
Barn Swallow, griggstown Grassland Preserve
Vince Capp:
Willow Flycatcher, South Branch WMA
Vince Capp:
Eastern Wood-Pewee, Schiff Preserve
Vince Capp:
Tree Swallow, Hoffman Park
Vince Capp:
Eastern Phoebe, Hoffman Park- 5/18/2012