Vilseskogen: moth at night, maybe Callionima inuus
Vilseskogen: Hemiptera bug
Vilseskogen: Morinda with wasp
Vilseskogen: The jaws of a Megaloptera
Vilseskogen: wasp living under leaf
Vilseskogen: Insect sculpture in Leiden
Vilseskogen: Praying Mantis (Choeradodis sp.)
Vilseskogen: fuzzy head of Saturniid Moth, Rothschildia orizaba equatorialis
Vilseskogen: Leaf cutter ants
Vilseskogen: Butterfly in the rainforest
Vilseskogen: cockroach nymph
Vilseskogen: bullet ant - giant head! (Paraponera clavata)
Vilseskogen: leaf cutter ant (Atta)
Vilseskogen: night catch, maybe Aclytia heber butterfly
Vilseskogen: rainforest butterfly: banded peacock (Anartia fatima)
Vilseskogen: Megaloptera - giant insects: genus Corydalus
Vilseskogen: ex-cicada
Vilseskogen: Giant Megaloptera insect - Corydalus cornutus
Vilseskogen: Giant Megaloptera insect - Dobsonfly
Vilseskogen: Giant Megaloptera insect - Corydalus cornutus
Vilseskogen: Cicada shell
Vilseskogen: beehive
Vilseskogen: saying hello to the bees
Vilseskogen: moth with skull. maybe Idalis tuisana?
Vilseskogen: moth with skull, maybe Idalis tuisana?
Vilseskogen: Japanese ladybeetle invasion
Vilseskogen: army ant movie
Vilseskogen: army ant movie
Vilseskogen: army ants, extremely hard to photograph
Vilseskogen: army ant soldier