Vilseskogen: magpies are checking me out (skatorna spanar)
Vilseskogen: information signs - Wij trädgårdar - en plats att odla
Vilseskogen: information signs: en lantbrukspark - med ny energi (An agricultural park with new energy)
Vilseskogen: a student art installation -"field library" (fältbibliotek)
Vilseskogen: a student art installation -"field library" (fältbibliotek)
Vilseskogen: a student art installation -"field library" (fältbibliotek)
Vilseskogen: a student art installation -"field library" (fältbibliotek)
Vilseskogen: early morning sunflowers
Vilseskogen: early morning sunflowers
Vilseskogen: early morning sunflowers
Vilseskogen: early morning sunflowers
Vilseskogen: early morning sunflowers
Vilseskogen: early morning sunflowers
Vilseskogen: early morning sunflowers
Vilseskogen: early morning sunflowers
Vilseskogen: "önskningar som ärjades ned" [wishes that were etched in]
Vilseskogen: "lyssna det är frön som faller" [listen, it is seeds that are falling]
Vilseskogen: "ing" (partial word)
Vilseskogen: "(remember) the wishing well"
Vilseskogen: "enges små starr..." [the meadow's small sedges...]
Vilseskogen: "(remember) the wishing well"
Vilseskogen: "this is a corner of a larger field"
Vilseskogen: "vingslag, svärm, och åska" [wing flaps, flock, and thunder]
Vilseskogen: "man kan skikta, spåra, sila landskapet" [you can layer, track, and sieve the landscape]
Vilseskogen: a place for meditation
Vilseskogen: wind turbine
Vilseskogen: fields
Vilseskogen: no straight lines and a trail too
Vilseskogen: fava beans and wheat
Vilseskogen: mowed path in meadow