Bayfield Breeze: Lions President, Bill Rowat presents the Joe Brandon Memorial Trout Derby trophy to derby winner Dave GibsonGibson
Bayfield Breeze: Eric Earl Trophy winner Brayden Vorsteveld accepts his trophy from Lion Preident Bill Rowat.
Bayfield Breeze: _MG_0602
Bayfield Breeze: _MG_0642
Bayfield Breeze: PB13 21b Remember Me 329
Bayfield Breeze: _MG_0209
Bayfield Breeze: _MG_0210
Bayfield Breeze: _MG_0211
Bayfield Breeze: _MG_0212
Bayfield Breeze: _MG_0214
Bayfield Breeze: _MG_0215
Bayfield Breeze: _MG_0216