__Viledevil__: Lammergeier's Specimen
__Viledevil__: Halcón de Harris (Parabuteo unicintus) - Harris's falcon
__Viledevil__: Black-Winged Stilt
__Viledevil__: Flamingo
__Viledevil__: Aguila de Cola Roja
__Viledevil__: Avoceta
__Viledevil__: Cigüeñuela bailando flamenco
__Viledevil__: Eagle of red tail (Buteo jamaicensis)
__Viledevil__: Eagle of red tail (Buteo jamaicensis)
__Viledevil__: Eagle of red tail (Buteo jamaicensis)
__Viledevil__: Black-Winged Stilt
__Viledevil__: Eagle of red tail (Buteo jamaicensis) and falconer
__Viledevil__: Eagle of red tail (Buteo jamaicensis)
__Viledevil__: Eagle of red tail (Buteo jamaicensis)
__Viledevil__: Black-Winged Stilt
__Viledevil__: Eagle of red tail (Buteo jamaicensis)
__Viledevil__: Eagle of red tail (Buteo jamaicensis)
__Viledevil__: Black-Winged Stilt
__Viledevil__: Black-Winged Stilt
__Viledevil__: Black-Winged Stilt
__Viledevil__: Buitres_003
__Viledevil__: Gaviota_001
__Viledevil__: Buitres_004
__Viledevil__: Griffon Vulture, (Gyps fulvus)
__Viledevil__: Buitres_005
__Viledevil__: Black-Winged Stilt
__Viledevil__: Buitres_006
__Viledevil__: Black-Winged Stilt
__Viledevil__: Eagle of red tail (Buteo jamaicensis)
__Viledevil__: Griffon Vulture, (Gyps fulvus)