Viki Olner: sky dialogues
Viki Olner: rescue
Viki Olner: revealing the hidden
Viki Olner: docile lover
Viki Olner: possible impossibility
Viki Olner: goodbye to the wind
Viki Olner: use your key
Viki Olner: absolution
Viki Olner: all the senses
Viki Olner: The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame.
Viki Olner: What does it matter how many lovers you have if none of them gives you the universe?
Viki Olner: Happy Days
Viki Olner: Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little
Viki Olner: Men hide behind their clichés (self-criticism exercise)
Viki Olner: quiet earth
Viki Olner: side by side
Viki Olner: doors temple
Viki Olner: musky silence
Viki Olner: I pause to record that I feel in extraordinary form. Delirium perhaps.
Viki Olner: I must be happy, it is less pleasant than I should have thought.
Viki Olner: abduction
Viki Olner: the blind spot box
Viki Olner: “Habit is a great deadener.”
Viki Olner: conspirancy of silence
Viki Olner: the rebel
Viki Olner: interlaced stories
Viki Olner: Orpheus
Viki Olner: poetic license
Viki Olner: the pleasure collage
Viki Olner: “God is the tangential point between zero and infinity”