Viky's: IMG_1216
Viky's: The Moon
Viky's: Waxing Gibbous Moon
Viky's: The Diamond Ring
Viky's: Solar Prominence
Viky's: Don't mistake me for the Moon!
Viky's: Full Moon
Viky's: Quarter Moon @ 800mm
Viky's: Quarter Moon @ 400mm
Viky's: The Moon
Viky's: Solar eclipse @ 15Jan 2010
Viky's: Solar eclipse @ 15Jan 2010
Viky's: Solar eclipse @ 15Jan 2010
Viky's: Solar eclipse - Max Point
Viky's: Solar eclipse HDR
Viky's: Super Moon!
Viky's: The Moon
Viky's: The Moon
Viky's: The Moon - 100% crop