JarryWang: #squaready #green #summer 每次醒来就格外想你。 nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm #blackandwhite
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm #blackandwhite
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready 早上骑车在阳明桥上碰到若曦妹子,捧着电脑疾步前行,嘴里还念着法语。 学渣真是流下泪水。 不过我对自己有一个要求就是“不能太努力” 我是认真的 nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready Day 24 我这几天好不容易转移注意力了卧槽 又他妈的被提起来,我又整个人不好了 nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready 晨跑,今天都很累。 应该说睡五个小时加上晨跑就很累。 nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready 五点醒,翻了十五分钟睡不着。 以前嘲笑你,现在自己也成病友了。 nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: 晚上有个外校的男孩子问我明天又没有课。 我说有啊。 本来以为他是明天要来我们学校,请他吃个饭还是有空的。 没想到他是想和我一起去看美院毕业展。 我,我干嘛要和男孩子去看美院毕业展啊! 室友A:而且不是你喜欢的男孩子。 室友B:你喜欢的男孩子又不能陪你去看。 室友A:她喜欢的又不是男孩子。 一帮专注黑我的室友! 晚安 nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdea
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready Mor:) nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready 晚安 nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready 专四模拟考不算作文,57分。看样子我可以过专四了( nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready the door of kindergarden nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: 这狗还有个小铃铛 (我觉得夏天就应该每天洗两次澡,真是热疯了。 nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready 我发现,path上大家叫我文青比较多 ins上叫我才女比较多……… 而马修叫我逗逼,因为逗逼的意思是逗煞笔hahahha nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #is
JarryWang: #squaready day 19 nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready 想想自己把脏乱差都拍成小清新还真有点不高兴……一定是卷的问题。 nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready deserted nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm
JarryWang: #squaready nikon fa nikkor 50mm/1.4 fuji c200 or kodak 200 #hangzhou #china #old #nikonfa #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #vscocam #anologephotography #50mm #fujifilm #kodak #16x9 #nikon #ishootfilm