ashley.adcox: "You'll shoot your eye off"
ashley.adcox: Day 6: January 6, 2008- Waking up to Life
ashley.adcox: Day 39: February 8, 2008- Shades Down Tight
ashley.adcox: Day 44: February 13, 2008- A Father's Gift
ashley.adcox: Day 64: March 4, 2008- Screaming For Freedom
ashley.adcox: Day 74: March 14, 2008- Hands
ashley.adcox: Columbine (&) High School
ashley.adcox: Standing Together
ashley.adcox: I will bring you back...
ashley.adcox: The line of focus.
ashley.adcox: Roots
ashley.adcox: Perfect Little Gentleman
ashley.adcox: Another World, Another Place, Another Time
ashley.adcox: Farewell Chaos
ashley.adcox: Like Going Home
ashley.adcox: Sp.lit
ashley.adcox: Let The Wind Be My Guide...
ashley.adcox: VOTE(d)
ashley.adcox: Rain, Rain, Go Away!
ashley.adcox: That's My Story...(Where Were You?)
ashley.adcox: Skeletal
ashley.adcox: Midnight
ashley.adcox: Struggle (Focus)
ashley.adcox: Behind Your Eyes A Need Replaced A Want |or| A Letter Addressed To 2009
ashley.adcox: growth | a new view of 2009
ashley.adcox: Forgiven | Redeemed | Restored | Reborn | & Set Free
ashley.adcox: It's A New Day | Red Meets Blue
ashley.adcox: You Went Your Own Way
ashley.adcox: Looking Up | No Ceiling
ashley.adcox: I'm Not Living, I'm Just Killing Time