Viget Labs: Listening to Brian's intro
Viget Labs: Lawson is excite.
Viget Labs: Steve, Eli, and a remote Becky brainstorm a new About Us page
Viget Labs: Doug, Brian, Jackson, and Lawson talk about new- client training
Viget Labs: Eli recites Hamlet's soliloquy. JK — he presented About Us revamp idears.
Viget Labs: All eyez on Pat to hear about ideas for pro bono work
Viget Labs: [insert maze pun here]
Viget Labs: Triumphant! Affirmation! Hay bales! Viget!
Viget Labs: Jason et al get ready for the corn maze race
Viget Labs: Everyone gets ready for the corn maze. Ryan stretches.
Viget Labs: Will we ever see Steve again?! (Spoiler alert: yes.)
Viget Labs: Doug is skeptical of corn mazes and/or fun
Viget Labs: Doug, Blair, and Jackson study the map so we don't get lost, starve, and start eating each other
Viget Labs: Eli something something
Viget Labs: After three days, Jason emerges from the maze intact
Viget Labs: Pretty interlude
Viget Labs: Can you spot the creeper in the corn?
Viget Labs: Moar creepers in the corn, natch
Viget Labs: DSC_1106 copy
Viget Labs: What we left behind
Viget Labs: Mike and Lawson rest in the maze
Viget Labs: Corn maze side selfie
Viget Labs: Corn maze front selfie
Viget Labs: It's raining corn!
Viget Labs: Hay guys
Viget Labs: Badass Boulder crew
Viget Labs: Don't mess with Ryan or he will gnaw your ear
Viget Labs: Happy Boulder crew!
Viget Labs: Happy Boulder crew Part 2!