John Vizzard: Wonder of Wharfedale - I make no apologies for including newer shots of a previously used location
John Vizzard: Wonder of Wharfedale - I make no apologies for including newer shots of a previously used location
John Vizzard: Wonder of Wharfedale - I make no apologies for including newer shots of a previously used location
John Vizzard: Wonder of Wharfedale - I make no apologies for including newer shots of a previously used location
John Vizzard: Wharfedale
John Vizzard: Wharfedale
John Vizzard: Wharfedale
John Vizzard: Wharfedale
John Vizzard: Wharfedale
John Vizzard: Wharfedale
John Vizzard: Threshfield Quarry
John Vizzard: Threshfield Quarry
John Vizzard: Threshfield Quarry
John Vizzard: Threshfield Quarry