Fredspickchers: Taking off - near Carsington res.
Fredspickchers: Low pass
Fredspickchers: Short finals
Fredspickchers: Formation with microlight at sunset
Fredspickchers: A flying friend
Fredspickchers: Landing in snow
Fredspickchers: Paramotor ground handling practice
Fredspickchers: Flying in Derbyshire - launching
Fredspickchers: Traffic above
Fredspickchers: Flying in Derbyshire - Wing
Fredspickchers: Flying in Derbyshire - Undercarriage going down
Fredspickchers: Two feet above Chatsworth park
Fredspickchers: Flying in Derbyshire - Approaching to land
Fredspickchers: Paramotoring in Wessington area
Fredspickchers: Testng a friend's new wing
Fredspickchers: Flying with friends (Ed)
Fredspickchers: Paramotoring in Winter
Fredspickchers: Paramotoring at Ashover Derbyshire
Fredspickchers: Flying - East coast trip
Fredspickchers: Black rocks Cromford Derbyshire
Fredspickchers: Paramotoring over Tansley at sunset
Fredspickchers: Netherthorpe airfield
Fredspickchers: Shadows on Ecclesbourne river
Fredspickchers: The control tower
Fredspickchers: Short finals at Breighton
Fredspickchers: Drax on the wingtip
Fredspickchers: More aero's
Fredspickchers: Flying inverted
Fredspickchers: Climbing away from Netherthorpe