vietnamted: Dallas Cowboys and U of L Cardinals. Together again, for the first time.
vietnamted: juggalo
vietnamted: america.
vietnamted: L.A. face with an Oakland booty.
vietnamted: creamalot
vietnamted: the tool cover band was too much to handle
vietnamted: My main source of inspiration is Lisa Frank
vietnamted: one of my hobbies is art collecting
vietnamted: Fairdale Boyz
vietnamted: Lee Greenwood
vietnamted: B-rad with a plywood gingerbread man wearing Jared's shorts
vietnamted: breakfast of champions
vietnamted: birdie
vietnamted: chapter one: Candy and Steven Seagal films
vietnamted: Mike Ley
vietnamted: my family crest
vietnamted: good things lie within
vietnamted: timeless classic seen on art school bathroom toilet paper
vietnamted: double dong
vietnamted: Baby Jesus and The Gang
vietnamted: Lindsay and I
vietnamted: Nick enjoying the baseball game
vietnamted: 4-eva