Vidya...: A bottle of sunshine
Vidya...: The last of the season
Vidya...: The end of Summer
Vidya...: Gathered while pruning
Vidya...: Onions
Vidya...: Bowl of cherries
Vidya...: The sunny spot
Vidya...: Garlic
Vidya...: When life gives you lemons, first click them, then make some iced fresh lime out of them and drink it.
Vidya...: Pears
Vidya...: Hello sunshine
Vidya...: EXPLORED-This morning's sunlit spot
Vidya...: Coral Vine
Vidya...: Watching the rain while eating the last cherries of the season
Vidya...: Rooh afzah by the window
Vidya...: Plums..The last of this season
Vidya...: Fallen Flowers
Vidya...: Colours of India
Vidya...: Raindrops and lemongrass = ecstasy
Vidya...: Cinnamon Sticks
Vidya...: The last harvest of this season from the kitchen garden
Vidya...: The Unwrapping---- Corncobs are such a beautiful sight to behold..with a ribbed green velvety shawl, golden tassel and tender shining globules of corn soft and juicy, full of milk..
Vidya...: Some absolutely fresh, crunchy, spicy and sizzling hot green chilies from the local vegetable market yesterday.They were so beautiful I had to click them
Vidya...: Fruit corner
Vidya...: The end of the day & the end of a season
Vidya...: Fallen flowers-Heralding the change of season
Vidya...: Chilled Pomegrante
Vidya...: French hearts or palmiers from the local confectionery.Crisp and light with just a hint of sweetness to them
Vidya...: Weeds
Vidya...: “Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the worlds.” Rumi Wishing all my Flickr Friends a very Happy Deepawali