Vidya...: Progressive?
Vidya...: The common man
Vidya...: My Daddy 'n' me!!!
Vidya...: Manicure and nail painting roadside shop
Vidya...: चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ( I am indeed, eternal blissful Shiva - love and happiness)
Vidya...: The Alcazar Show
Vidya...: The joy of Holi
Vidya...: Lazy winter morn
Vidya...: Necessity..the mother of invention
Vidya...: Baby
Vidya...: The woman across the wall
Vidya...: Morning walk in the evening of life
Vidya...: Pretty Woman -Streets of Warsaw
Vidya...: Pretty Woman - Heroes Square budapest