vidular "Joe":
Harvest Aftermath
vidular "Joe":
Hammer & Anvil Shaping Steel
vidular "Joe":
Coal Fire and Hot Steel
vidular "Joe":
You talking to me?
vidular "Joe":
Carpenter Tools 1890's Working Farm
vidular "Joe":
Mr Ed, 1890's Carpenter
vidular "Joe":
Farm House 1890's
vidular "Joe":
Farm House
vidular "Joe":
Farm Horses
vidular "Joe":
The Aermotor
vidular "Joe":
The Dinner Bell
vidular "Joe":
Purple Jaws
vidular "Joe":
Like Husband and Wife for 120 years (1890's Dining)
vidular "Joe":
Father's table 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Reading Light 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Elegant Tea Service 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Sorting the wood 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Lowering the sled 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Teamwork 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Transportation 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Horse Team Tack 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Feed Stock 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Blacksmith Shoppe 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Heart of the House 1890's Kitchen
vidular "Joe":
Applying a Beeswax Finish, Blacksmith 1890's style
vidular "Joe":
Organ Keyboard, 1890's Style
vidular "Joe":
Farmer as an Entrepreneur, 1890s Style
vidular "Joe":
Taking a break from farm work
vidular "Joe":
Sawing the Ice
vidular "Joe":
Loading the ice takes teamwork