Terrell Solana: Ecce Homo
Terrell Solana: Heart to Heart
Terrell Solana: "Put Out Into The Deep"
Terrell Solana: "Fruit of Silence is Prayer"
Terrell Solana: Palma Sancta
Terrell Solana: "My Window shows . . . The whole world passes"
Terrell Solana: Te Deum Laudamus (We Praise You God)
Terrell Solana: Lumen Gentium
Terrell Solana: Verbum Caro Factum Est
Terrell Solana: Apparition In Stone
Terrell Solana: Mystical Passion
Terrell Solana: Tree Of The Cross II
Terrell Solana: Mater Ecclesiae
Terrell Solana: Time Beyond
Terrell Solana: The Tree Of The Cross
Terrell Solana: Detail Vintage Church Pew
Terrell Solana: Ivan Mestrovick Sculpture
Terrell Solana: Thy Kingdom Come
Terrell Solana: Detail Outside Altar
Terrell Solana: Friday Called Good
Terrell Solana: My Root Is Dry
Terrell Solana: Lift Up Your Heart
Terrell Solana: Te Laudamus (We Praise You)
Terrell Solana: Angel Contemplation
Terrell Solana: "Lift Up Your Hearts"
Terrell Solana: Lift Up Your Hearts
Terrell Solana: Draw Up My Soul
Terrell Solana: Dune Contemplating