Vident: 1/365 - Returning books
Vident: 2/365 - Shoes!
Vident: 3/365 - Dodge Viper
Vident: 4/365 - Somewhat empty platform
Vident: 5/365 - Autumn leaves (how original)
Vident: 6/365 - Helsinki cathedral
Vident: 8/365 - New and old
Vident: 7/365 - Traditional peasoup
Vident: 10/365 - Ravens
Vident: 11/365 - Insomnia
Vident: 12/365 - Contacting voters
Vident: 13/365 - Dining
Vident: 14/365 - Effectiveness-ish
Vident: 15/365 - First snow
Vident: 16/365 - Candles
Vident: 17/365 - Voting
Vident: 18/365 - Back to lectures
Vident: 21/365 - Library
Vident: 23/365 - Candles, part II
Vident: 24/365 - Foggy night, part II
Vident: 25/365 - Rush day
Vident: 26/365 - Planning day
Vident: 27/365 - Elections, once again
Vident: 28/365 - Eating well
Vident: 29/365 - Exams
Vident: 30/365 - Räyskälä
Vident: 31/365 - "Please leave your shoes here"
Vident: 32/365 - Neverending elections
Vident: 33/365 - Second attempt
Vident: 34/365 - Hang the bastard!