Vidalia: Drop the Chalupa
Vidalia: Inappropriate use of "Metal Face"
Vidalia: Santino Rice, Andrae Gonzalo and Leo Garcia, the Artistic Director of Highways Performance Gallery
Vidalia: (gasp)... you had me at "woof". xoxo
Vidalia: David Ellis
Vidalia: Dispelling the myth
Vidalia: Lincoln Heights - Home Sweet Home
Vidalia: Rape Me
Vidalia: Schoolyard Heroes
Vidalia: Wishlist, The Meat Puppets and John Bevington Fitz Randolph the III on my birthday
Vidalia: heehee
Vidalia: HELL yeah!!!
Vidalia: You must be older than 37 to enter
Vidalia: Do not be afraid
Vidalia: Claire needs some TOUGH LOVE!
Vidalia: Close Encounters of the T Kind
Vidalia: Valentina emotes
Vidalia: Valentina puppy
Vidalia: Valentina, dog supermodel in action at Santa Cruz Beach
Vidalia: Spiros
Vidalia: Mr. T in NYC for the Puerto Rican Day Parade
Vidalia: "Why you takin' my picture STUPID ASS?"
Vidalia: Smoking Policy in Austin Texas
Vidalia: John of Arc
Vidalia: My fashion hero
Vidalia: The saintly Jim Fairchild
Vidalia: Chris hurt his arm
Vidalia: Girl Talk
Vidalia: I stared at this forever when i was drunk
Vidalia: YAY! ADM sighting in ATX