Vidalia: Meanwhile, somewhere in Asia...
Vidalia: This is the view from my shower
Vidalia: Leaving Beijing
Vidalia: VIP shuttle
Vidalia: Stink eye
Vidalia: Forbidden, Fool.
Vidalia: View Glasses Shop With Honesty
Vidalia: Guy that was bitching that my brand new suitcases were dirty
Vidalia: Couldn't figure out the shuttle.
Vidalia: Women's history never cease to yearn for beauty
Vidalia: I try am so.
Vidalia: 5:59 am - Beijing
Vidalia: For Gravy
Vidalia: Chingrish
Vidalia: Maximus Leopardis
Vidalia: Nanchang - Monument to the Heroes
Vidalia: Nanchang, China
Vidalia: Heroes of the Nanchang Rebellion
Vidalia: No WAY!!!!
Vidalia: Brown People
Vidalia: for some reason this reminds me of england
Vidalia: vertigo
Vidalia: There's a huge snake here but it doesn't move very fast.
Vidalia: neighbor
Vidalia: It was the last pimp shower
Vidalia: Asia from a speeding cab