Vidalia: He got this in LA
Vidalia: Guy @ the airport who took a bunch of tape and binded up his arms in a kind of NIN kind of way, put on a serape and started praying.
Vidalia: Aaron David Meyers' perfect hair
Vidalia: It was hailing when I got here
Vidalia: Alicia's etched shot glasses
Vidalia: Rude, y'all.... rude.
Vidalia: A little bird told me
Vidalia: His first tequila shot ever
Vidalia: YAY! ADM sighting in ATX
Vidalia: Guy selling prints on the street
Vidalia: Guy on street jamming along with band onstage in bar
Vidalia: These premises protected by Gore B
Vidalia: Best sign ever
Vidalia: This guy again....
Vidalia: Welcome to Austin
Vidalia: Dragons and Dungeons - Cabbage and Onions
Vidalia: Dragons and Dungeons - Cabbage and Onions
Vidalia: HELL yeah!!!
Vidalia: I stared at this forever when i was drunk
Vidalia: I got this before I got my luggage
Vidalia: The saintly Jim Fairchild
Vidalia: This is so Matt's head explodes
Vidalia: Ran into this guy on the street on my birthday
Vidalia: i like this tattoo
Vidalia: En route to Public Enemy
Vidalia: Best cab driver EVER
Vidalia: Greg had to tuck it to come to girls night out at Public Enemy
Vidalia: Oh Longbranch... I love thee
Vidalia: Vice party - not so Vicey
Vidalia: The chicks all went to Public Enemy