Vidalia: The Wiltern Theatre
Vidalia: Pogues fan
Vidalia: @ The Pogues show
Vidalia: Pogues fans
Vidalia: Pogues fans
Vidalia: Pogues fans
Vidalia: Pogues fans
Vidalia: Pogues fans
Vidalia: Unlicensed t-shirt vendor doesn't like having his photo taken
Vidalia: Bacon wrapped hot dog - after the Pogues show
Vidalia: Pogues fans
Vidalia: Pogues fans
Vidalia: Pogues fans
Vidalia: Pogues fans
Vidalia: Letter for the marquee
Vidalia: Waiting to change the marquee to read THE DECEMBERISTS
Vidalia: Waiting to change the marquee to THE DECEMBERISTS
Vidalia: Pogues fan
Vidalia: The Pogue show - Wiltern Theatre
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006
Vidalia: The Pogues - Wiltern Theatre - October 20, 2006